I guess we should be saying “is that time of the year again”!! But where did the time go? I am not sure if its because of how crazy this year has been or what but time is flying and I feel I am not as prepared as I should be for Christmas haha.  I don’t know about you guys but I can’t believe christmas is around the corner.  We celebrated Thanksgiving and Boom Christmas here we are!!  By now, I usually  know exactly what to buy and what my kids want and are getting for Christmas but that’s not the case this year.  I am struggling to figure out and I thought to myself if I feel like this many of you may be feeling the same way as me, so I decided to put a list together of some of the toys that my kids have enjoyed the most in case you need a little help!!

So I got ask my kids what they enjoyed the best and went down to memory lane to see what they enjoyed the most, I must say they were a great help so I will share with you different ideas for different ages groups!!  Most of the times they do share toys and they both play with everything but obviously my daughter prefer dolls and makeup kits over trains and cars. 

So I hope you enjoy this and helps you a little to get ready for Christmas!!

Click on the links below so you can find some ideas for boys!! Some of this my son has them and he really loves them.  He can play for hours with these toys.






